I thought I would touch base with you because I have been a little out of touch lately. Things in life are not always perfect and I have had some personal things that I needed to attend to, so my blog unfortunately had to be placed on the back burner for a while. The things I have been through the past few weeks have been difficult to go through, and although I can't share the details of what that was, I can tell you that God has really moved in my life and in my situation. I can really see God answering prayers that I have been bringing to Him daily. If there is something in your life that seems impossible, I can tell you that if you pray God will hear you.
I have a couple of random thoughts today. I don't really have a nicely planned theme for this blog post, just some thoughts from my day.
Today at church, there were two things that spoke to me and I want to share them. We had a guest speaker and something he said really jumped out at me. He was comparing satan's attacks in our daily lives to a lion. What he said was that a lion roars to stun his prey so that they are paralyzed with fear and he can attack. I started to think about this and we really live so much of our lives paralyzed with fear because of lies that satan whispers to us. Then my mind began to wander and I tried to figure out what animal or creature could represent God in this analogy. The lion is the king of the animals, right? So what is God in this scenario? A T-rex? A dragon? God is bigger than satan, so what is an animal that could paralize him? Then I realized that there is no animal that could compare. God is the creator the lion and is the king of the universe. To him a lion is an ant, a speck. There is no comparison. Once we realize that as Christians, we have the fullness of God living inside of us, we can come to the realization that when satan comes around to try to roar at us, there is no reason to be afraid. Satan is nothing but an ant that must flee when we resist him. God said it and satan has no choice. Don't let him keep you paralyzed, but live in the freedom of Christ!
Another thing that jumped out at me in church this morning was something my pastor said after the speaker was finished. He spoke for a moment about Thomas in the Bible. We all know him as "Doubting Thomas," but today, Pastor Erik had a fresh perspective about this man. Thomas may have doubted, but he was real about his unbelief. He didn't try to pretend to go along with the other disciples and say he believed when he really didn't. He had to see Jesus with his own eyes. When Pastor Erik said this, I realized that I need to see Jesus move in my life in the area of healing. I need to see healing in my family. I need to see it with my own eyes. I believe that Jesus can and will heal people still today, but I have been discouraged because I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I need to get real about my discouragement and just ask Jesus to move in healing in my family. I don't always have all the answers. I used to think that I did, but I am learning that the closer I get to Jesus, that I really know nothing.
What is something that Jesus is showing you in your life?