Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The more my life goes on, I feel more like I am not someone who is qualified to give advise on life. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. I am a single mom of four who works full time and end most of my days with the urge to burst out in tears because I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions. Wake up, hit snooze, wake up again, breakfast, bring kids to school, work out, take a shower, go to work, come home, dinner, clean up, homework, bath, brush teeth, read, and sleep; day in and day out this is my routine. Many of those things ×4 because I have 4 kids. Sounds fun, right? My kids argue and bicker like normal kids do. They try to get out of brushing their teeth or taking a bath or homework, and I make them do it (usually), or let it slide because I am too tired to argue. Through all of this, I have learned how important it is to stay close to my Father. I have days where I want to run away as far as I can get from this life.  I love my kids, but it is hard. And stressful. The times I cling to my Father, my life falls into place. He has ordered my steps. He gives me wisdom when I don't know how to get through another day. He provides everything I need. My van was on the verge of going kaput,  and he provided the perfect vehicle for what I need. Every week, he brings clients to my job so that I can bring home a paycheck to provide money to pay my bills. He forgives me when I want to run and puts his arms around me so that I can feel refreshed and ready for another day. He makes me feel complete on the days I feel lonely and wish I had a partner to share life with. I am not perfect and I do not have anything close to a perfect life, but I am so very blessed.