Sunday, October 21, 2012

This is Where it Begins

That title is what I wrote in my journal about a month ago because I felt that that page was important for some reason.  I had no idea that God would be leading me to share it.

Then the Lord said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." Job 1:8

Am I living a life that stands out to God? Is my faith so strong that I can withstand hardship and never turn my back on God?  God chose Job, not Satan in the above passage.  God saw a quality in Job that made him stand out.  God knew that Job had faith that was so deep that even if he went through the most horrible of trials, he would be faithful.  It is an honor to be chosen for hardship.  In my opinion, if I am not going through hard times then I am not on the right path.  James 1:2-3 says "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."  Job lost every single thing that he had.  His flock, his oxen that plowed his field, donkeys, sheep, servants, and every single one of his children.  Job was a very rich man and every thing he owned was taken from him, but he still praised God!  And he was blessed for it!

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised those who love him.  James 1:12

I have been going through problems in my life because God wants to develop perseverance in me.  He wants to develop me into a mature and complete being.  While I am going through these trials I can ask God for the wisdom I need to get through them.

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.   James 1:5

After Job lost everything, Satan came back for more and struck him with a painful skin disease.  Job's own wife told Job to curse God for all that happened to him, but through it all Job stayed true to his faith.  I can relate to Job because I have been through so many hard times in my own life.  I am a sexual abuse survivor. Because of this I have had a hard time in the every day struggles of life.  I have lived through an increasingly turbulent marriage for 15 years to my husband who is now separated from me.  I have been so poor that I have had to make hard decisions like either pay bills or buy groceries for my family.  I have lived through depression, denial, fear, anxiety, stress, not knowing if I could get through each day to the next.  I have struggled with health problems associated with a wheat intolerance that I have slipped in and out of denial about.  I have felt like I have not been good enough to just be myself, the person God created me to be.

Through it all I have doubled myself and my own humanity, but I have peace knowing that I never doubted that God was in control of it all.  I remember very vividly lying in bed one day about four years ago in deep depression because I thought my situation was hopeless and I cried out to my Lord.   Suddenly I could almost tangibly feel His loving arms around me.  He whispered to my heart and told me that He was there in the midst of so much heartache.  At that moment I gave it all to him.  All of those things that I had been holding in.  All the trash in my life that was keeping me down and depressed, I could just feel being lifted out of me and I knew I would be ok.  Right now at this moment I am in a much better place than I was then and I can have hope knowing that my story could possibly help someone else get through a tough time.  My life is so far from perfect right now, but God is still working on it.  I can still feel it just like I did that day and I feel it every single day.  He is still whispering to my heart.  Can you hear Him whispering to yours?

I named this Blog "Super Glue for my Broken Heart" because that I what I feel Jesus was to me.  After so much heartache and heartbreak, He is healing me one day at a time.  Picking up the pieces of my life and making me whole again.  I am hoping and praying that reading about my experiences, that you will experience healing in a miraculous way.  If you don't need healing, I pray that your faith is deepened and stretched into something that you didn't even know could exist.

Lord, Thank you for broken hearts because this is where I find my trust in you. Let me do your will in my life today.  

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