Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Author

 “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith”

Hebrews‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


I woke up early this morning with this verse on my mind. I’ve had a lot going on in my life that has been causing me a lot of worry and anxiety that has been affecting my sleep. I have been learning through counseling that there is nothing that I can do about a lot of these things keeping me up at night. My counselor is teaching me that the things that are out of my control are things that I just need to accept as they are. This is great advise and I am gaining so much peace from acceptance, but I believe that my Holy Counselor is teaching me lessons beyond what my earthly counselor is showing me. This verse that I woke up thinking about is rocking my world. 

“Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith” 

“Jesus is the author”. An author is a writer of a story. Jesus is the writer of my story. I love a good fiction novel and the best books have a lot of twists and turns that surprise me every time I turn a page. When I sit down with a new book I don’t know much about what is going to happen as I read it. I may have an idea of where the story is going, but a skilled writer is going to keep me on my toes and keep me guessing until the story is finished. I don’t sit down with a book and tell that book how to play out. I can try all I want. I can beg and plead for the story to follow the path that I think is best for the characters living within its pages. But that won’t change one word. 

Jesus is writing my story. He is the one who is in control of my life. I can beg and plead for my story to change, but he has a plan for my life. He has surprises for me as I turn each page and begin each new day. When I release the story over to him, I can sit back and enjoy watching the novel of my life unfold. 

“…and finisher”.  

He’s not going to leave my story unfinished. I can put my trust in Jesus to complete the work he has begun in me.  I can choose to worry or I can release it to the One who knows the ending and is going to stay with me until every letter of every word is written. I’m the only one that can mess that up. When I try to take the pen and write my own story, it won’t be as good as what the “Author and finisher of my faith” would have written for me.  

So I know that it is a lot easier said than done. I’m learning this skill myself with each day that passes. But I know that as I learn to let go and let God do a work in me, I will have an amazing story to tell about what He did for me. Just you wait and see! He will do it for you too! 

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